Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Change and letting go

Life is uncertain now and, as those of you who know me know, this is driving me crazy!!!!  I love the chance to move, meet new people, show H more of the world, and expand our lives!  I am terrified about finding a house, getting all our stuff there, and FINDING A JOB!!

So, while in this craziness, I am dealing with my crabby baby missing her daddy.  I know that life is great and we have so much to be thankful for.  I am so thankful for so many things.  I have a lot to do, think about, plan, not worry about, and all that. 

I gave my resume to our director to ask her to think of forwarding it to the people who work in the same type office as we do, just over there.  I also am applying for a job I found online there too.  I don't know, just all this uncertainty makes my stomach hurt.

I will focus on the positive though because that is what I need to do.  I have been selling a TON of our stuff and have more to sell.  The money is nice, but it is a double edge sword.

It is extremely hard for me to let go of things.  I am not real sure where this comes from.  I really hate that I assign sentimental value to things that don't need to have that assigned.  I broke down over selling the car seat, I am possessive over H's old clothes that she cannot wear anymore, I have a whole rubbermaid tub of wedding stuff that I don't even know why I have, like a table cloth that has stained over the last 3 years.  I need to let go!

I like off loading, I know we are going to have a small space, so I need to downsize.  I think the ironfistedness may be attributable to living in the same house my whole life.  H is about to move more than I did as a child, and she isn't even 2.  Maybe I want to keep all our things close because I want her to have childhood things and to be able to have memories.  I know she will have that all over, just have to think of it as an adventure.

Anyway, I am off to get more sleep so that I can be better rested to handle all this stress and anxiety :)  

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